
14 Mar 2023 | Podcast
Sustainable impact: Business Confidence with PwC CEE’s Adam Krasoń

Adam Krasoń, CEO of PwC in Central and Eastern Europe, speaks with Andrew Wrobel about where emerging Europe’s CEOs are looking for growth opportunities, how they are responding to short- and long-term threats, and about the region’s sustainable growth. 

12 Mar 2023 | Column
the Last word: CEE’s value proposition is stronger than ever

In 2022, Ukraine’s IT sector exported more services than the year before. Its resilience and agility have shown what the country, and more broadly, the emerging Europe region is capable of.

10 Mar 2023 | Speaker & host
Women’s Entrepreneurship Accelerator | online

I was a juror at the WEA Digital Innovation Challenge.

09 Mar 2023 | Speaker & host
#LiveonEE | online

I moderated an online discussion about the role or digitisation in emerging Europe's progress.

08 Mar 2023 | Speaker & host
CrossConnect Forum | London

I joined a panel discussion exploring the benefits and liabilities of the four core shores — Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Emerging Americas and debating over how well-equipped the destinations are to meet the next generation of delivery requirements across the spectrum of global digital services.

07 Mar 2023 | Speaker & host
Pakistan CIO Forum | online

I joined a fireside chat discussing leadership in sustainability and innovation.

05 Mar 2023 | Column
the Last word: The impact of modern leadership 

Leaders should be aware of the effects of their own actions and interactions and ensure that decisions are made on the basis of both short- and long-term considerations. 

28 Feb 2023 | Podcast
Sustainable impact: Mergers and acquisitions with CMS’ Horea Popescu

Horea Popescu, managing partner at CMS Romania and head of corporate M&A at CMS CEE, speaks with Andrew Wrobel about the impact of the geopolitical and macroeconomic circumstances on investment in the region.

26 Feb 2023 | Column
the Last word: Rebuilding Ukraine begins with rule of law 

Ukraine has done much to improve governance over the past year but rule of law must be a focus of the reconstruction. 

19 Feb 2023 | Column
the Last word: Why developing leaders is crucial for the business services sector

We should not only encourage future leaders to learn but also provide them with a platform to do so.