
24 Jul 2024 | Column
Daily musings: Reinventing success and transforming tomorrow — Slack

Did you know that Slack, originally a gaming company called Tiny Speck, pivoted to create the popular collaboration tool we know today after their game failed to take off?

23 Jul 2024 | Column
Daily musings: Meet my mentee, Dr Amadu Sall!

This is Dr Amadu Sall, a talented, industrious, genuine, and very smart young man who recently graduated from medical school in Sierra Leone! This photo was taken when he was taking his medical oath in April this year.

11 Jul 2024 | Column
Daily musings: Innovation, collaboration and adaptability

Looking at different perspectives, various experiences, trying to see things through somebody else's eyes is really like opening a door to a room full of new ideas.

09 Jul 2024 | Elsewhere
Outlook on Belarus 2026

Andrew Wrobel of Emerging Europe in the Economy News program on Belarus TV

08 Jul 2024 | Column
Daily musings: Outsourcing in Fiji

It feels like yesterday that I came back from Fiji, where I joined EXO FIJI 2024 with a group of global business services influencers from Europe, Australia and America. And where I facilitated a discussion about building resilient infrastructure for the industry.

03 Jul 2024 | Podcast
INNOSTARS TALKS with Maurizio Ferrari of Synlab

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to work effectively as a team, both internally and with other stakeholders, has become more important than ever.

21 Jun 2024 | Speaker & host

I moderated the panel discussion "Building resilient infrastructure ecosystems for the emerging outsourcing industry" at the Exploring Outsourcing in Fiji event in Suva, Fiji.

14 Jun 2024 | Elsewhere
Cum poata dezvolta Moldova domeniul IT?

Astăzi, sectorul IT joacă un rol esențial în economia globală, stimulând inovația și dezvoltarea în toate domeniile. Dar cum poate Moldova să își găsească locul în acest domeniu și ce trebuie să facă pentru a reuși? Sau poate Moldova a găsit deja acest loc?

13 Jun 2024 | Speaker & host
Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit 2024 | Warsaw

I moderated two panel discussions exploring female entrepreneurship at the Perspektywy Women in Tech Summit in Warsaw, Poland.

11 Jun 2024 | Elsewhere

Republica Moldova devine tot mai atractivă pentru Investitori care vor să-și extindă afacerile și în țara noastră.