Mindset is the invisible lens that refracts how we see opportunity, confront failure, and transform mere ideas into living, breathing ventures.
Mindset is the invisible lens that refracts how we see opportunity, confront failure, and transform mere ideas into living, breathing ventures.
Starting out as an entrepreneur is tough. No amount of reading can truly prepare you for what to expect. I said what advice I would give myself if I were starting my entrepreneurial journey all over again, armed with the knowledge and experiences I have today.
Международно събитие разглежда Стара Загора като най-добрата инвестиционна точка в Европа. Лектори от САЩ, Великобритания, Нидерландия, Южна Корея и много други страни се събират на 26 ноември в града, за да обсъдят развитието на търговските възможности пред региона на фона на предстоящата енергийна трансформация.
Astăzi, sectorul IT joacă un rol esențial în economia globală, stimulând inovația și dezvoltarea în toate domeniile. Dar cum poate Moldova să își găsească locul în acest domeniu și ce trebuie să facă pentru a reuși? Sau poate Moldova a găsit deja acest loc?
Republica Moldova devine tot mai atractivă pentru Investitori care vor să-și extindă afacerile și în țara noastră.
In 102nd episode of Good Morning BSS World podcast together with Marina Bzovîi and Andrew Wrobel, we delve into an insightful discussion about the IT industry in Moldova.
Discover the untold stories and invaluable insights from Andrew Wrobel, a visionary reinventionist and mentor at Labena Ventures.
Polen er ikke bare en sikkerhetsforbruker, men en leverandør. Deres handlinger styrker ikke bare sikkerheten, men også Europa som helhet.
The small African country of approximately 13 million has set as a strategic goal the development of an export-oriented professional services sector. Other African countries such as Egypt and South Africa have already demonstrated success as outsourcing destinations, primarily for Europe, but also serving a North American audience, and other...
Tech Brains Talk is a fun, relaxed, educative and honest podcast. Tech Brains Talk is a conversation on the strategy of becoming a remarkable individual, creating or being part of iconic tech brands.