
June 30, 2022
Tech Brains Talk with Andrew Wrobel

Tech Brains Talk is a fun, relaxed, educative and honest podcast. Tech Brains Talk is a conversation on the strategy of becoming a remarkable individual, creating or being part of iconic tech brands.

August 6, 2019
Poland aims to lure young graduates back home | Money Talks

Poland's economy has more than doubled in size in the 15 years since it joined the European Union. But membership has had its pitfalls — a large number of educated young Poles have moved across the continent, resulting in a labour shortage.

July 11, 2016
Andrew Wrobel in Nashe Utro on ONT TV

Иван Граков (ББТП) & Эндрю Робель (Emerging Europe) в передаче "Наше утро" на канале ОНТ

July 9, 2016
Outlook on Belarus 2016

Andrew Wrobel of Emerging Europe in the Economy News program on Belarus TV
